Under the 'Edit' menu is menu item 'Preferences'

which brings up a window displaying different settings for HTML SuperText.

- 'Tags to display in the HTML tags window' is the list of HTML tags to list on the default HTML tags window (ie. that floating window on the right with the list of tag names). Holding down the shift key, select the tags to display on this window. Note: This has NO affect on your custom tags floaters.
- Change Colors allows you to edit the shades of colors used in HTML SuperText, this has no affect on how the document will be displayed with a WWW Browser.
- Select Preview Helper allows you to select your prefered WWW Browser for previewing your documents.
- Show Splash Screen at Startup will tell HTML SuperText to display the opening window with HTML SuperText's logo and copyright information.
- Show HTML Tags Window at Startup will tell HTML SuperText to automaticly open a new HTML tags window when you open a new document (if one isn't already open).
- Auto-Carriage Returns tells HTML SuperText to insert a carriage return when you used the 'Horizontal Line', 'Line Break' or 'Paragraph' tags.
- Default font allows you to change the default font used in HTML SuperText when creating new documents.
- Default font size allows you to change the default font size used in HTML SuperText when creating new documents.
- Tag font allows you to change the default font tags will be displayed in.
- Tag font size allows you to change the default font size tags will be displayed in.
- Tag font style allows you to change the default font style tags will be displayed in.
- Tag color allows you to change the default color tags will be displayed in.
Note: None of these setting will change how your documents are viewed in a WWW Browser, just how they are handled in HTML SuperText.